Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cookie Crisis

My cookie baking atonement. Read on...
Well people, it was one of those days. 
I fell off the whole foods wagon and it was a disaster. 
Flavor-wise, anyway. 

I was having one of those crummy days that come around every once in a while. 
I asked my husband if he wouldn't mind picking up some cookies on his way home from work. Pepperidge Farm sounded good, if not good for me.
Our local market did not carry Pepperidge Farms. 

They had something else. 
Chips Ahoy was it? or Nabisco? 

Either way they're gone now and thank goodness!
They satisfied the crummy day craving, but a what cost? 
 I mean, the things didn't even absorb milk when I dunked 'em. 
Not a good sign.

So I promised the hubs I'd make something tastier. 
I didn't tell him my secret plan to make something healthier
(After all, I had to atone for my whole-food sins).

I discovered something. 
If you want a truly healthy cookie, you must have applesauce on hand. 

I didn't. 
These have butter. 

Sue me. 

Here's the recipe. I didn't alter it. 
One doesn't mess with baking chemistry.

3 over-ripe mashed bananas

My chosen add-ins: dried cranberries and dark chocolate chips.
One of my favorite foods: OATMEAL!

Looks like real cookie dough!
The husband's verdict?
Quote upon first taste, "Why do these taste fruity?"
(You can't pull anything past this guy!)

Alright, so they taste fruity! One of the main ingredients IS a fruit!

But aren't they good?!?!
Moist, chewy, and just the right amount of sweet? I thought they were perfect.
They have chocolate after all!

10 minutes later he came sniffing in the kitchen for the cookies
that don't have banana in them.

I guess I'm back to the kitchen. For "real" cookie baking.

Try them for yourself. See what you think.

Let me know.

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